Wednesday, September 10

Wo ist mein lover?

I want to find A again...
A the lover - not the person I nag every day. 
In Helmholzplatz, our little playground across the street, I saw some alternative-looking parents groping each other. Maybe that sounds pervy - but their kid was playing and they were just wantonly passing time . 
My prudishness kicked in. He was properly fondling her breasts - under the shirt. 
Racy... Verboten! 
Hey people this is a playground not a movie theatre! What will the kinder think? I was both incensed and intrigued. 
I put on my reflective aviators to have viewing privacy.
Could I be that way with A again with two kids constantly demanding our attention? 
If my observations were correct, they appeared to only have one kid and I did notice the kid was a bit scuffed up. 
Undoubtedly a result of negligence.

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