Saturday, December 6

"A child is a curly dimpled lunatic" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It's true that a 4 year old's mind is on fire 24/7. You have to be quick on the draw to keep up with the stuff that comes out of their mouths. They will catch you out!

A few choice examples:
What a little bad-ass! Sasha is a dumpling - the only words out of her mouth are dinner, cookie, apple and banana. The mere hint of a biscuit sends her arms flapping so much you think she'll take flight. Ok, sorry for being that mother who reports her kids' every utterance - but I can't swear it'll be the last time.

Nice is wearing thin. Not that I'm complaining. It's just as valuable sometimes to be in a place you know you never want to return to. I spent 2 weeks here alone with the girls and it felt like I was shipwrecked. Very uninspiring place on the whole. But Tallu made it into the local newspaper - the Nice Matin, posing with the owner of a local bookstore. At first she flat refused (being the daughter of a photographer can backfire I guess), but with stage-mama moi pinching her little neck and promising a lollipop, she eventually agreed to the photo op. The publicity machine can be really draining for the poor noodle.

With Soulmate/Superdad back from the edge of the earth we decided a trip to Marrakech was in order. Ever since our honeymoon I've been itching to go back. Can anyone say...hammammmmmmmmm...

Then it's pretty much time to head home - back to NYC to celebrate the holidays - with a quick pit-stop in Paris to meet the Thomson Twins. Not the acid-wash 80's Brit pop group, but our dear friends Derek & Raina's new arrivals, Alice and Estelle Thomson!

After that it's off to GUATEMALA baby!!!

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Kosmopolita + Meander by Heather Tehrani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.